Different Ways to Wear High Waisted Shorts
People go for high waisted shorts for different reasons. Some go for it because of their belly while others wear them to make fashion statements. Either way, you have to ensure that you know how mix and match well. Your t shirt or shirt and even shoes must complement your shorts. This is often a piece of cake for women and an uphill task for men. Women simply have an insatiable desire to always look good while men like keeping things simple. It doesn’t have to be that way. Not with the following tips at hand.
Blending your shorts with good shoes
Again, this is where men go wrong. It is easy to sport a man in official shoes and high waist shorts. That is of course funny but men hardly care. Just like camouflage shorts, high waisted shorts are strictly casual. The following shoes go well with them:
- Slip on shoes
- Loafers
- Open shoes
- Sandals
Note that sandals are only ideal with high waisted shorts during summer. However, you can still wear them during special events if you wish to. Just make sure the attire would still be appropriate for the venue and kind of occasion. Loafers and slip on shoes on the other hand are ideal with camo shorts and high waist shorts anytime. They are in fact, the best shoe types to sport with the shorts.
Fashion tips for women
The rules change when it comes to women. Take dressier occasion for instance. While men cannot put on shorts for such events, women can. Attractive hosiery and high heels match really well with high waisted denim shorts for women. Wedges too are also cool and can be worn with high waist shorts anytime. For a more defined and refined look, try cheap high waisted shorts with:
- Cuffed heels
- Ankle boots

Choosing the right top
T shirts look cool with high waist shorts for men. For women though, chic blouses are the way to go. If for one reason or the other you want to highlight the style of your shorts, consider colorful blouses with butterfly sleeves. Men can also consider camouflage shirts and t shirts with their high waist shorts. As you can see, the options are practically endless when it comes to choosing the right top. At the end of the day, what matters is how you carry and accessorize yourself.
Take this seriously because the type of material used determines vital factors like comfort. People prefer high waisted jean shorts to khaki while the latter is just as good. Whatever you choose should be breathable enough to make you comfortable throughout the day. It should also be easy to wash and should conceal stains especially when men wear their shirts during an outdoor activity such as hiking or camping.
Looking good with high waist shorts
High waisted shorts are trending at the moment. Fashion magazines are full of models in this kind of shorts. It is impossible to dispute the fact that they are here to stay. The ball is simply on your court. You have to get the shorts and make them look good on you. Start with shaving off excess hair on your legs. Then choose colors that complement your skin tone. Of course, take note of the tips mentioned above to further help you out.
You don’t have to have super legs like Tina Turner. That is one misconception people seem to have when it comes to high waist shorts. Just keep on shopping and trying different fits and colors. By the time you are through, you will have found something that will make you look hot in the shorts.